"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
Sheridan, AR
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"Where sinners meet Christ and begin a new life in Him."

Sermon Notes:
Series- Moving Forward. Sermon 6
Let Us Consider One Another.
Text: Hebrews 10:24-25, Ephesians 3:21
Draw Near - Hold Fast- Encourage one another.
Provoke- to stir up, to arouse.
What is the best way we can encourage one another? Hebrew 10:25
Ephesians 5:24-25- Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ aldo loved the church, and gave himself for it.
Forsaking the assembly- you are not only disobeying the command of God, You are discouraging your fellow believers.
Josh Harris wrote a book about the value of being committed to a church and the title of the book is, "Stop Dating the Church!"
Definition of Dater- Still playing the field, on the look, very picky, fickle in relationship, No commitment.
Not motivated by a deep love but a superficial attraction.
He gave several characteristics of a church dater:
1. A church dater is self-centered.
2. A church dater is critical.
3. A church dater is independent.
4. A church dater is inconsistent.
Personal Question- Does the church have a huge place in your heart?
Understand- The church is not a program. It's not an institution set up by man. It's not about the staff. Church is God's idea and plan from the beginning.
The church is a part of God's plan for every born-again Christian.
Why should church not be an option?
I. The Church Connects Us With Christ In A Unique Way.
Revelation 1:20-2:2
Matthew 18:20- For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
God will do things when you are a part of the gathered church that you can never duplicate or substitute privately.
II. The Church Is God's Foundation Plan For Our Spiritual Growth
And Health.
Poor church attendance stunts your spiritual growth.
We learn more easily together.
We need one another. We need the encouragement of one another.
The churches main agenda is to teach the inspired Word of God.
III. The Church Has Psychological And Emotional Value.
IV. The Church Is A Fountain Of Grace.
The church is the best place in the world to start over. The church is the place when the bottom is falling out of your life you can come. It's the best place for a second chance, or a 50th chance or a 100th chance.
V. The Church Is The Vehicle That Jesus Chose To Take The Gospel
To A Lost And Dying World.
Our mission is to be on mission. As a church we are to live the gospel and share the gospel.
The best chance to get the gospel to the world is through the church of Jesus Christ.
Bro. Terry Williams